Sack Receives BB&T Safety Award for 2017


BB&T Safety Awards | News | H.A. Sack Company

Sack received an award for excellence in safety for 2017 from our business partner and insurance provider, BB&T. This is the top award they give due to our continued diligence to reduce injuries to our employees overall.

The Sack Company has an excellent safety program, as well as an educated staff in the field with regard to safety. Our company is, and has been, dedicated to educating our personnel on what safe working practices are, how to plan for safe job sites, and globally to establishing safe working environments for our personnel on all of our job sites. We are continuously working to improve our program.

As aide to the education effort, Sack has a full time safety director, Paul Tankersley, who visits each job site on a regular rotating basis to review ongoing practices, and to provide on time advice/training when and where needed. Additionally, we do quarterly superintendent meetings that include training such as leadership, fall protection, First Aid/CPR, OSHA 10 Hour and OSHA 30 Hour.

Thank you for the recognition and support and we look forward to finishing 2018 safely!

(pictured L to R- Dan VerBeek, Paul Roesel, Scott Russell, Fred Hill)



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