The Sack Company has an excellent safety program, as well as an educated staff in the field with regard to safety. Our company is, and has been, dedicated to educating our personnel on what safe working practices are, how to plan for safe job sites, and globally to establishing safe working environments for our personnel on all of our job sites. We are continuously working to improve our program. As aide to the education effort, Sack has a full time safety director, who visits each job site on a regular rotating basis to review ongoing practices, and to provide on time advice/training when and where needed. Additionally, we do quarterly superintendent meetings that include training such as leadership, fall protection, First Aid/CPR, OSHA 10 Hour and OSHA 30 Hour.

Sack uses other various safety training related to specific practices/equipment we use and job site conditions our personnel are exposed to. We also encourage General Contractors to attend our on-site training and are very proactive in working with them to identify and engineer safety into the jobsite.

Sack continues to build on an already solid safety manual and program by improving and updating policies and procedures such as Hazard Activity Analysis, Zero Tolerance policy for glasses, gloves, etc., and an updated Accident Prevention and Compliance Policy to mention a few. The Sack Company is also a proud recipient of the 2014 AGC award for no lost time accidents. At your request, we can provide customer references who will attest that our company is truly dedicated to seeing that our personnel are trained and vigorously encouraged to work safely and to cooperating with each customer to promote safe work environments for our and their personnel. Please let me know if you have any questions regarding the information enclosed. We look forward to the opportunity to work with you and are sure you will find us to be a valuable and reliable team member.



Safety Collage



The USGBC LEED® (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) Green Building Rating System, a certification program that is flexible enough to apply to all building types, recognizes first-rate building strategies and practices. LEED® offers building owners and operators a concise structure for identifying and implementing practical and measurable green building design, construction, operations and maintenance solutions. The Sack Company strives to improve performance across all the elements that matter most within this system: energy savings, water efficiency, CO2 emissions reduction, improved indoor environmental quality, and stewardship of resources and sensitivity to their impacts.

In an effort to support a conducive, forward thinking, and “green” mindset, we are recycling building materials used at all of our job sites. We are focused on the reduction of the amount of waste that we create and the reduction of recyclable materials commonly disposed of in landfills. Our working partners are fundamental to the LEED® success. The Sack Company educates and incorporates our customers, subcontractors, suppliers and the community with the LEED® framework. Sack will provide guidance to our working partners, ensuring we share a common goal in minimizing environmental impact to projects in which we build.


USGBC: U.S. Green Building Council GBCI: Green Building Certification Institute ASES-American Solar Energy Society



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